
This Pacific Northwest History is from a Christian, Creation-based, Young Earth, Apologetics Worldview. It begins with the geology of the Pacific Northwest, including the worldwide flood, volcanic activity, Ice Age, and the Missoula Flood. It continues with the Indigenous peoples and early explorers through the present day.

Each page is beautifully designed with vibrant pictures. The core curriculum is 450 pages of content.

About this Curriculum

Why it was written

This curriculum was written by a homeschool mom. She said, “As I have watched the chaos in the world the past decade, I am more determined than ever that my children be prepared to face the future. Knowing that if they pursue higher education, they will be thrust into evolutionary, anti-Christian worldviews, one of my primary focuses at home is apologetics and making sure my children have a firm foundation and ability to defend their faith. To this end, my first curriculum is Pacific Northwest History from an apologetics, creation-based perspective.


This curriculum was written from a Christian, non-denominational perspective. The content will appeal to people of most religious faiths. While it was being written, the lessons were taught weekly to twelve children ages 6-14. The families were from a variety of religious backgrounds, including Baptist, Catholic, Seventh-day Adventist, and other Protestant denominations. All families enjoyed the curriculum.


This curriculum begins with the worldwide flood and continues chronologically to the present day. Events are presented from a balanced perspective. When there are conflicts, there are always two sides to the conflict, and this curriculum includes information from both sides to help children understand why people acted as they did.

A detailed table of contents can be downloaded so that you can see exactly what is in this curriculum.


This curriculum took two years to write because of the amount of research that went into the content. Primary sources include academic journals, education and government websites, National Parks signs, museums, conferences, and Christian scientific sources, such as Answers in Genesis and Institute for Creation Research. There are 29 pages of references listed at the end of this curriculum.

“For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.”
2 Corinthians 10:3-5